Superdrol side effects
All users should be aware of the possible side effects of Superdrol. This is not what we call an antagonistic anabolic steroid, but the possible side effects of Superdol can be potentially problematic in several key areas. People with high cholesterol or liver problems should not take this anabolic steroid. If you are healthy enough to take it, you will have to put a lot of effort into controlling these areas of health. To help you understand the possible side effects of Superdrol, we have divided them into separate categories with all the information you need.
Estrogen: A side effect of Superdrol is not estrogen. Gynecomastia and water retention are not possible with this steroid. Because methyldrostanolone is used, no antiestrogens are required.
Androgens: Side effects of Superdrol may include androgens. However, due to their low androgenic properties, the threshold for these effects should be fairly high in most men. Possible androgenic side effects of Superdrol include acne, hair loss and hair growth in people prone to male pattern baldness. These effects are highly genetically dependent, but sensitivity cannot reduce the androgenicity of this hormone.

Superdrol’s androgenic properties may also contribute to the masculinization of women. These side effects of Superdrol include hair growth in the body, deepening of the vocal cords and enlargement of the clitoris. Androgen activity is naturally low, but translational androgenic activity appears to be higher in women, as evidenced by the assessment. It can be applied without masculinization, but requires very low doses. Most women find that other anabolic steroids like Oxandrolone (Anavar) are better.
Cardiovascular: In this category, the side effects of Superdrol may be the most serious. The hormone methyldrostanolone has a strong negative effect on lipids and can significantly lower HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and increase LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).
A healthy lifestyle is essential given the potential cardiovascular problems Superdrol causes. People with high blood pressure or cholesterol should not take this steroid. If you are healthy enough to use your blood pressure and cholesterol, you should. The human diet should be rich in omega fatty acids. It is recommended to consume fish oil daily.
Testosterone: Side effects of Superdrol include the natural suppression of testosterone in all men taking steroids, which will be important. The use of exogenous testosterone is recommended. People who do not contain exogenous testosterone in any form when using Superdrol will leave the body with low testosterone.

After stopping Superdrol and removing all exogenous hormones, natural testosterone production is restored. However, the levels are still low and most recommend a post-cycle treatment (PCT) program. The PCT program protects the body and overall health by stimulating the natural production of testosterone. This also greatly reduces the overall recovery time. A PCT plan alone will not bring your testosterone levels back to normal, and it will take time, but will provide enough testosterone for your body to function properly.
Important note about natural testosterone recovery – Natural testosterone recovery assumes that the body has not been damaged by improper replenishment procedures. This also suggests that low testosterone levels did not exist before.
Hepatotoxicity: Like all C17-a and anabolic steroids, Superdol is hepatotoxic and can potentially cause stress and liver damage. It should not be used if the liver is unhealthy. During use, liver enzyme levels increase in everyone taking this steroid. However, an increase in liver enzymes is an indicator of stress, not a sign of damage.
You should not use any other C17-aa steroids while taking Superdrol
Excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided. Excessive alcohol consumption in itself places a heavy burden on the liver, and taking Superdrol puts a lot of strain on the liver and greatly increases the chances of liver damage. Alcohol is generally best avoided when using this steroid. Remember that the only reason to use this steroid is for training purposes, and added alcohol is not only harmful to your health, but nothing as degrading as alcohol does.
Over-the-counter medications should be avoided whenever possible.
Total usage time should not exceed 8 weeks, most consider 6 weeks to be the best choice. C17-a and steroids, including Superdrol, should not be taken for at least 6-8 weeks after taking Superdrol and will become healthier if not used long-term.

It is recommended to use a liver detoxification supplement when using Superdrol.
You can protect your liver health by following the guidelines above, but you should always be careful. Anyone taking Su perdrol, blood pressure, cholesterol, and liver health are recommended to be closely monitored.
Super droll management
The standard dose of Superdrol for men is 10-20 mg daily for 6-8 weeks. This is equivalent to 1-2 capsules taken daily with food. People with high tolerability may consider 30 mg daily as an additional dose of steroids, but in most cases this is not recommended. More than 30 mg per day causes severe liver stress, so caution is urgent.
Superdrol works well with most anabolic steroids. A simple set of Superdrol and some forms of testosterone are the most common and very useful in any weight gain or loss plan. Another nandrolone during the inflation phase is a very common part of the kit and trenbolone during the deflation phase. There is no reason why no one can succeed with such a plan.
Therefore, it is very important to use liver protection supplements during any cycle with methyldrostanolone for liver dysfunction. If you are not using liver protection supplements, methyldrostanolone should never be used for longer than 2 weeks, and if liver protection is present, the maximum duration of the course should be no more than 4 weeks. Other reversible side effects from methyldrostanolone may include an increase in blood pressure, a decrease in hdl-cholesterol, and lower back congestion.